Social media for your small business

Social media for your small business

Over the past few years social media has become more and more prominent in marketing, especially for small businesses. This blog is going to take you though what we have found on our social media journey so far to help you use social media for your small business.

*During these uncertain times it is more important than ever to make sure you have a presence on social media, if you can no longer trade physically / in person then take advantage of what we have and get reaching your customers through social media!

Social media gives you the power to talk directly to your customers, no matter where they are in the world. This helps to build important relationships with your customers. You need to be active and interactive, reply to comments, answer questions, you want engagement from your followers, but they also want engagement from you!

At we take advantage of sponsoring posts, as ultimately our business wouldn’t be our business without being able to advertise on social media – Its our USP! Personally, we have found Facebook to be the best when it comes to sponsoring as there’s a few different ways you can do it (boost, ads manager) but all social channels allow you to create your own audience, helping you pick out your target demographics etc,  making it easier than ever to target your actual target market!

Creating, new engaging content that your followers and target audience want to see can be difficult, but with lots of research and trial and error you will see which posts work best for you! The first few weeks of your social media marketing are a learning curve, you have to spend time and work out what works best for you and your business- what time and days should you post, what content do your followers want to see….

Whether you’re an e-commerce business or not, make sure you’re getting your brand message and products / services out to the world. No matter what service or product you sell, ask your customers to leave reviews, post pictures etc as user generated content is second to none when it comes to posting content as a good experience from previous customers will make the buyer decision easier for new customers! With the current circumstances support for small businesses is super important so don’t be afraid to ask your customers to post reviews!

Use the analytics from your social pages to see when your followers are engaging and work from there! All social channels provide some form of analytics so you can see how far each of your posts are reaching, the engagement ect, but if you have a website, Google Analytics is also a great tool for checking where your page users are coming from so you can optimise your content for your preferred channels!

Once you have everything sorted and you know when you’re posting etc, start making plans and setting goals!

The most important thing to remember about social media is that it’s the quality not quantity of your followers!

Social media for your small business

*Updated on 16/10/2020